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How to Revitalize After Spring Break

We’re all looking forward to Spring Break. As we near the halfway point of the semester, and with midterm exams coming up, the struggle is real.

Following are ten tips to help you stay motivated throughout the rest of the semester and how to beat procrastination:

Remember Why You Started

When you feel like quitting, remember why you started. You have life and career goals you want to accomplish, and you want to make something out of yourself.

So when work is bogging you down just remember your hopes and dreams. Also, try to think about why you’re here and doing what you’re doing in the first place.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

When you’re positive and surround yourself with positive people, you’ll feel more optimistic. Receiving support from your family, friends, professors and classmates will fill you up with the adrenaline necessary to push yourself harder do what you have to do.

With that support you’ll see your crazy schedule, and all the work that has to be done, in a more positive light.

Write Down Your Goals

It is important to create checklists. By doing so you’ll be more organized with what you need to do and what have time for.

When setting goals, it is best that they are short term. It is also best to break them down into smaller, step-by-step goals. For example, if one of your goals was to start writing an essay for one your classes, you can set smaller goals within the goal like picking a topic, writing a thesis or creating an outline.

You are more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down and check off the tasks you’ve completed because it gives you a sense of accomplishment.

Stay Organized

Goals can help you organize, but you should also declutter your life. You will likely be more productive and focused when you have a clean and organized work space.

Take the time to clean and organize your room, study area, backpack, notebooks, binders and even your phone and computer by getting rid of files you don’t need.

Practice Self-Care

Your health is very important and self-care is part of it. Without self-care it is harder to stay motivated and you’ll always feel like you’re burned out. Spend time with yourself by making sure you take good care of your hygiene, making sure you eat and drink enough, get enough sleep and pursue your hobbies to refresh your mind and keep it off of stressful events for a while.

Study Group

Scheduling study groups with your friends and/or classmates is useful. When you’re with them it’ll push you to stay focused and be productive, and if you ever need help, you won’t be afraid to ask your group because they’ll be happy to assist.

Try studying with friends at the library in a private study room, in the UC or at Starbucks.

Get Rid of All Distractions

If there is something stopping you from accomplishing what you have to get done, then get it out of your sight – that includes putting away your phone, turning off your TV, telling your friends that hanging out can wait, etc.

Find What Inspires You

One thing you could to boost your motivation is to find things that inspire you, whether that be quotes, art, people, etc. Print out or write down motivational/ inspirational quotes or pictures and put them up everywhere in your work area.

You can also create a board on Pinterest filled with just stuff that inspires you, if digital is more your thing. Also, follow people that inspire you. It could be a person who’s doing what you’re wanting to do in life or it could be someone that you like because they make you feel really confident in yourself.

Whatever you choose to do, it’ll put you in the mood to excel.

Watch Study Videos

Another method to try out is watching study videos. These videos give advice and teach you about how to get organized, how to stay motivated, how to take aesthetically pleasing notes that you will actually study from, etc.

Studyquill, studyign, and tbhstudying are popular YouTubers that vlog about these topics.

Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself for completing tasks is a form a disciplining yourself. If done right, rewarding yourself after completing tasks can help you create a habit of getting work done.

One study method that applies this practice is the Pomodoro Technique, in which study for 25 minutes and reward yourself with a 5 minute break. It helps promote focus and productivity.

#AroundCampus #tips #student #college #uncp #springbreak

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